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πŸ“ How to set up an evaluation session?

Evaluation sessions allow you to review applications, assess deliverables, and evaluate candidates

Updated over 3 months ago

1️⃣ Create an Evaluation Session

  1. Navigate to βš™ Manage Program > Daily Basis > Votes.

    1. Jury Votes: Create evaluation sessions evaluated by a jury.

    2. Public Votes: Generate a public link for an evaluation session.

  2. Click + Add to create a new evaluation session.

  3. Fill in the required details:

    Session Name
    ​Dates (optional)

    Type: Specify if the session is to evaluate projects or candidates.

    Brief Title and Description (optional).

  4. Click Add to save the session, which will now appear in your session list.

πŸ’‘ Tip: You can reuse a scorecard from a previous session by importing it:

  • Export the scorecard as a CSV from the first session.

  • In the new session, click + Add Form and import the CSV. Fields will be imported automatically.

2️⃣ Choose Your Scoring System

You can choose between two scoring methods for your session:

1. Scorecard:
Define specific evaluation criteria and assign weights to individual elements.

2. Point Allocation:
Distribute a fixed number of points across projects or candidates for jury members to allocate across projects or candidates.

Create a Scorecard

  1. Go to the Scorecard tab.

  2. Click + Add Form to set up evaluation criteria.

  3. Choose to:

    1. Import a CSV file with a pre-existing scorecard, or

    2. Create a new form.

  4. If creating a new form:

    1. Name the form and click to open it.

    2. Add fields such as ratings, comments, or dropdowns to define your criteria.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Align scorecard fields with your program’s goals for consistent evaluation.

Use Point Allocation System

Upon creating your Evaluation Session, you will see the option to allocate points to your evaluation session.


3️⃣ Add Content to the Session

Assign Projects or Candidates to the evaluation session

  1. Open your newly created session.

  2. In the Projects/Candidates tab, add the items to be evaluated.


4️⃣ Add Juries

  1. Open the Juries tab.

  2. Assign juries using one of the following options:

    1. Invite via Registration Link: Send a link for new juries to register.

    2. + Add a User: Select from existing platform users.

    3. + Add All Juries: Add all registered juries to the session.

🧐 Important: To make deliverables visible to juries, ensure the Visible Within Jury Sessions checkbox is ticked during setup.



Q: Can I edit an evaluation session after it’s created?

A: Yes, but notify participants and juries of major changes.

Q: Can juries evaluate without being registered?

A: No, juries must register via the platform or a registration link.

Q: What types of fields can I add to the scorecard?

A: Ratings, comments, dropdowns, and multiple-choice options.

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