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πŸ“ The jury sessions - Projects
Updated over a year ago

On the platform, you can both choose to evaluate projects or participants.

βž” Click on the management space button

βž” Click on Evaluations tab on the Daily basis Menu

βž” Click on +New: a pop up will open allowing you to :

  • give a session name,

  • associate the jury session it with a phase

  • choose if the session is going to evaluate participants or projects

  • integrate a session start and end date

  • choose a brief name for the session (if the original name is too long)

  • write a brief made specifically for the jury session. (You can also right a brief made for all jury members)




βž” Click on Add to create the jury session

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 16.16.47.gif

πŸ“Œ Step 1: Add projects

βž” Click on Projects

βž” To adda project, click on +Add project

A window will appear allowing you to select the projects participating in the jury session.


πŸ“Œ Step 2: Add evaluation forms

βž” Click on Evaluation Forms and then click on +Add forms

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 16.21.04.gif

βž” Once this form is created, click on +Manage form fields and + Add field
βž” It is then up to you to choose on which type* of criteria you would like the juries to evaluate the projects of the session.

*type: rating, short text, long text, unique choice, multiple choice*, file upload, checklist*

*Nb : for the Multiple choice, Unique choice radio, Unique choice dropdown and Checklist fields, you can add the options once the field is created.

πŸ“Œ Step 3: Add juries

βž” Click on Juries

βž” To add a jury member, click on +Add user

How do I invite jury members to the session?

  • Option 1: Copy/Paste the invitation link of the jury session

  • Option 2: Go to Jury members, Jury and then click on Send the password link

πŸ“Œ Step 4: Collect scores

βž” Click on Scores (all the session results will be centralized on this tab, you will be able to consult scores and comments for each projects)

If you then wish to export the scores, click on Export evaluations

Enregistrement de l’écran 2023-07-19 aΜ€ 15.48.28.gif

βž” You can choose to rank projects manually by clicking on this button:


Now you know everything about projects jury sessions!

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