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πŸ“ Brief - Experts
Updated over a year ago

βž” Click on the management space button

βž” Click on the setup tab, you'll arrive in the basic info tab.

βž” Scroll down and you'll find the mentor brief

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 18.00.12.gif

On this page, you are asked to write important details of your program/formation.

  • You can write as many informations as you want.

  • You can also change the title of the brief.

πŸ‘‰ What is the goal of the Experts brief?

It is to give the basics/majors informations to experts in order to help them understand better the program.

Nb: The brief for experts is visible only in the experts space once registered

πŸ‘‰ Where will it appear?

It will appear on the experts space, details section.

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