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πŸ“ The projects registration
Updated over a year ago

βž” Click on the management space button

βž” Click on the Setup tab on the Essentials Menu

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-18 aΜ€ 16.36.16.gif

Create a project submission registration form is not mandatory. It is up to you.

πŸ‘‰ General settings

βž” Click on Projects

In this section you can decide :

  • to limit the number of members per team/project

  • to active comments on project pages (comments written by other teams)

  • configure some visibility details

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-18 aΜ€ 16.39.14.gif

πŸ‘‰ Registration

βž” Click on Registration

πŸ“Œ Step 1 : Project registration

βž” If you want to activate project submission for this program, please check this button.


βž” It is then up to you to define the start and end dates and times of the registration*

Capture d’écran 2024-01-18 aΜ€ 16.41.39.png

*All dates are in UTC/GMT+0

Nb: If you do not configure a registration form, by default, the platform will ask the participant his/her email, his/her name, his/her first name and/her his password.

πŸ“Œ Step 2 : Build your registration form

The process is similar to the one of creating a course! The process is as follows: create a step, then tasks and finally fields (The tasks are composed of fields).

Do not forget to link tasks & fields to the associated step.


As you know, there are several types of fields.

The types of fields

  • Short text -> short answer directly on the platform

  • Long text -> long answer directly on the platform

  • Multiple choice -> multiple choice answer*

  • Unique choice -> radio single choice answer (radio buttons)*

  • Unique choice -> dropdown simple choice answer (dropdown menu)*

  • File upload -> upload a file

  • Checklist list -> to be checked once the action is completed*

  • Rating -> rating system

  • Link only -> answer in the form of a link to insert on Inject

*Once the field created you will be able to add options to it from the timeline.


πŸ“Œ Step 4 : The settings

The settings will allow you to parameterise the inscriptions and automate certain choices.

​The different settings :
πŸ‘‰ Active project submission for this program: this makes the inscriptions available
Limit the opening of project applications to certain dates: set the dates for project submissions, so that registrations will close automatically.
πŸ‘‰ Allow to edit the project submission as long as the project application end date is not reached: a button in the participant's "my participations" page will allow him/her to modify his/her application.
πŸ‘‰ Allow project submission to non validated participants: this means that participants do not need to be automatically accepted and therefore do not have access to the programme until their application and project submission are accepted.
πŸ‘‰ Automatically accept projects into the program: by ticking this parameter, there is no need to evaluate the entries, they are automatically accepted.
πŸ‘‰ Activate secret mode: The projects are hidden from the community until they are accepted in the program.

⚠️ Candidats will receive an email 24H before the project registration deadline if they have started to fill the registration form and have not finish it. It is an automatic reminder.

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