When you write an email, you have the possibility to personalize it in order to make it more personnel.
How? By adding variables to your email content!
Example: Email send to Audrey, participant of Starter 13
"Hello {firstname}. {challenge_name} is about to start!"
Audrey will receive: "Hello Audrey! Starter is about to start!"
Available variables on the platform (with examples):
{organization_name} = Schoolab
{challenge_name} = starter 13st
{challenge_url} = https://startups.schoolab.tools/program/91/details
{firstname} = Salomรฉ
{lastname} = Hassan
{project_name} = Project Alpha
{project_workspace_url} = url of the project workspace
{project_url} = url of the project public page
{module_name} = How to prototype
{project_workspace_module_url} = url of the the module in which the project is in
{date_begin_module} = October 15th, 2021
{date_end_module} = October 17th, 2021
{hour_end_module} = 5:00 pm (GMT0)