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πŸ“ The events
Updated over a week ago

βž” Click on the management space button

βž” Click on the Events tab

Capture d’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 18.10.39.png

βž” Click on New to create a new event

You can add details to your event:

  • Title

  • Event start and end dates

  • Event start and end times(Check this page to understand how to set up times on Inject)

  • Visibility: public (everyone can assit) or private (only the program members are invited)

  • Location: online, hybrid or offline

  • Video stream: add the link of the stream (youtube, loom, twitch, vimeo,...)

  • Access link and access password

  • Description of the event

  • Author (as a admin, you can change who the author is)

Don't forget to save!

A menu will appear to the left!

Enregistrement de l’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 18.11.43.gif


⚠️ Once this step is completed, you can add several details to your event such as :

  • Add a banner* to illustrate your cover (Left menu: Basic informations)


*nb: event cover dimension β†’ JPG or PNG, at least 864px.

  • Change the location (virtual or real) if needed. You have the possibility to enable live chat during the day of the event (Left menu: Location)

  • Add files to the event library (Left menu: Library)

  • Activate some functionalities such as: ask the participants to sign in for the event (Left menu: Attendees) You just need to click here:


Exemple of an event:

Capture d’écran 2024-01-20 aΜ€ 18.11.23.png
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